Written by Canterbury Law Group

The Truth about Holiday Season “Bad Credit” Loans

The holiday season is finally over. Among the flurry of deals and discounts consumers typically get when shopping, there are also seemingly lucrative deals for borrowing money. Most consumers use credit cards or otherwise borrow money to spend during the holidays, hoping to pay it all off next year. Not everyone gets their yearly bonus in advance. Arizonians and Americans, in general, have a very complicated relationship with debt. Consumers can be highly unrestrained when it comes to borrowing money. This is why most people still end up with so-called “bad credit” loans that they can’t pay off. Borrowing money when your credit score is already low can send you spiraling straight into a debt trap. Therefore, when you see advertisements for payday loans or bad credit loans, keep the following information in mind:

“Bad Credit” Loans May Come with Sky High-Interest Rates

These bad credit loans are a form of payday loans. Lenders that offer loans like this target borrowers who are ineligible for conventional loans because of existing debt. If a person’s credit score is low, it indicates prior debt problems, and possibly even personal bankruptcy. Legitimate lenders, like banks, do not typically allow people with bad credit to borrow more. Additionally, people with bad credit may have been maxed out of credit cards. So this group of borrowers is desperate and ripe for exploitation.

Loans for borrowers with bad credit are easy to get, but not so easy to pay off. These loans do not typically require collateral but come associated with sky-high interest rates akin to typical payday loans. Unless you pay off one of these loans right away, you may end up with serious debt next year.

What to Do When You Have Too Much Unsecured Debt

If you are nose-deep in debt because of unsecured loans, there are still positives to look forward to. These loans have no associated collateral, so you don’t have to worry about losing a house or a car. If the debt has piled up high and you can no longer afford to pay it all back, then you can consider filing for bankruptcy. Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy law, unsecured debt, including payday loans, can be discharged. Consult a bankruptcy attorney in Scottsdale to know if you are eligible for a Chapter 7 filing.

Bankruptcy is not the only option to consider. Debtors can negotiate with creditors to bring down the interest rate or pay only a part of the loan. If a creditor is verbally abusive towards you demanding payment, you can file a creditor harassment complaint. There are new protections for consumers against loan sharks who mislead borrowers about financial tools like bad credit or payday loans. In these situations, you can find debt relief with legal assistance.

Avoiding Bad Credit Loans in the New Year

You don’t have to file for bankruptcy or hire a lawyer if you are not in debt. Therefore, the best way to avoid being burdened by personal loans in 2018 is not to borrow them in the first place.

If the debt is an issue, don’t borrow more to finance more shopping or vacations. Save money instead. If you are in dire need of credit, consider obtaining a legitimate loan where the interest rate is not so high.

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